Monday, August 10, 2009

Slimmers World

I'm a couch potato. I'm not athletic. I'd rather rest after a day's work rather than do some exercise.

Well, all that has changed now. I was advised by my OB to lose some weight and to have some exercise.

To force myself to heed my OB's advice, I enrolled in Slimmers World. I am now thinking of getting a personal trainer because I do not know what to do in a gym. I'm familiar with a treadmill - that's all.

Do you advise getting a personal trainer?

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sperm Analysis

While undergoing the treatment for PCOS, the ob-gyne also suggested that the husband have a sperm analysis. Treatment for problems regarding sperm count or motility may take three months. It's best to have the husband tested. In case he has a problem as well, the treatment for him will coincide with the the wife's treatment for PCOS.

For the preparation for the sperm analysis, the couple SHOULD have an intercourse. After that, ABSTAIN for TWO DAYS. Yes, that should only be two days. The following day, the husband should already go to the laboratory for testing.

I hope there'll be no problem with my husband so the treatment would only be from my side.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I never thought that I will consider acupuncture as a means of treating any ailment/diseases. I am soooo afraid of needles and pricking.

Upon reading several articles, however, I was convinced to try acupuncture as a treatment for PCOS. As the title of my blog says, All for the Baby. Anything just for our little angel to finally come.

I searched umm..googled the places/doctors which/who offer acupuncture. I read about Tong Ren Tang (it's in ADB Ave., Ortigas), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM- it's in Glorietta 3) and WeMedicus (along Jupiter Ave.).
I did not call Tong Ren Tang anymore because it would be very difficult for me to go there.
For WeMedicus, I was told that every acupuncture session would cost P900. That's inclusive of all other things that may be required- ventosa, electric something, etc. You may even pre-pay 10 sessions and that would be for a discounted rate of P7,500. The one who will do the consultation is a Filipino doctor. For the acupuncture itself, a Chinese doctor, Dr. Liu (said to be from Mainland China) will be in charge.
For TCM, if I remember correctly, it's P950. That's for the acupuncture and the use of the heating lamp. They used to have another Dr. Liu there. I was told, however, that she resigned already. A Filipino doctor named Dr. Ria Flores will be doing the acupunture.
Would be calling either WeMedicus or TCM for an appointment soon.


After the medication for regularizing my menstrual period comes the one that would treat PCOS. I really, really hope that it will.

Metformin is a drug given to those who have diabetes. That's diabetes II, I think. But it was discovered that metformin could actually be used in the treatment of PCOS.

I was told to take metformin three times a day until I get pregnant! Isn't that a lot? I'm not a medicine person.

Birth Control Pill

The irony of all ironies --at least for me.

I sooo want to have a baby already but for now, I have to take birth control pills. Taking the pill for a few months will help regularize my period.

I was told to take Yaz. It's a bit expensive but I am not feeling any drowsiness that other women complain about when taking the pill. For me, that's enough compensation.


After being diagnosed with PCOS, I was told to take Provera - that was three times a day for 5 days. Not much explanation was given but I could remember that it would induce my menstruation. I have irregular menstruation, that's why. I think it's part of my condition.
After taking Provera for 5 days, one would expect her menstrual period within 7 days. In my case, my period came after 5 days. I was expecting very heavy flow because of my menstruation being merely induced. It was just actually just a little heavier than the previous ones that I had.
By the way, Provera is a sex hormone pill. I'm not really sure if it was because of Provera but I felt dizzy during the 5 days that I was taking it. I think it's because of its being a sex hormone pill.

PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

Since we have been trying really hard to have a baby already, I consulted an ob-gyne at the Asian Hospital. My real purpose was just to inquire about my general condition and request for vitamins that may help prepare my body to bear a child. Unfortunately, however, my visit to the ob-gyne went beyond that.

The ob-gyne requested for an ultrasound and so I did. The diagnosis: bilateral polycystic ovaries.
I was not shocked because I have been reading about that condition already but I must admit that I was saddened. In fact, I was not able to control that tear from rolling down my cheek when I heard that I will be under medication for 6 months to cure the pcos and later, to be fertile.

In an attempt to comfort me, the ob-gyne said that a lot of women are diagnosed with the condition nowadays. Maybe it's a subtle way of saying that misery loves company and there are a lot of women with PCOS like me. Is it really becoming a trend?

All For The Baby

To start it off, I would like to share that my husband and I have been married for 8 months now. From the day of our wedding, we were already talking about having a baby -- the name, how he/she will be raised, who would be the spoiler/disciplinarian -- every aspect of it.

Until now, however, we have not been blessed with a baby. I know it's a short time compared to those who have been trying to conceive for a number of years already. But just like them, we want to have a baby soon.

This blog is meant to inform and inspire those who want to have a baby as well. I also hope that this could be a place for those who are looking for a support group or for those who simply want to share what they feel and know about having a baby.

As they say, baby dust for all of us.